Friday, July 31, 2009

You Got the Fever?

It’s an epidemic that claims millions in America by the start of September. It’s contagious, and spreads like wildfire. College students, grandparents, even newborns; no one is safe. The symptoms are unmistakeable. Saturdays start taking the places of Fridays. Wearing the wrong colors in the wrong places can suddenly get you shot. Friendships turn to rivalries. Marriages are tested. Family ties are stretched. 

In severe cases, some even put the words of their alma mater’s fight song before these: “I do.” Poor saps. 

If you can relate to any of the above, then you, my friend, suffer from college football fever. But don’t be ashamed. Be proud. Let the world know. (However, unless you like spending your nights sleeping on the couch, I’d suggest keeping that last one on the low. ;))

Now, whether you have it or not, it doesn’t change the fact that the college football season is quickly approaching. More importantly, for those of us who bleed crimson and cream, it’s another go at it for Bob Stoops and his Oklahoma Sooners. 

After seeing last years historical season come to a disappointing end, the Sooners are out to finish what they started. And with a new season comes many interesting questions. Can Sam Bradford stiff arm his way to another Heisman? Can the Sooners offense continue to be as dynamic as last year? Will the fourth time be the charm for championship number eight? Only time will tell.  However, until then feel free to follow along as I blog the Sooners on their quest for glory. 

In this blog you can expect game analyses, heisman forecasts, opinions on player performances, and much more. I will try my best, but I am only human. Any comments and suggestions on how to make this blog better are welcome with open arms.

Till next time, BOOMER! SOONER!


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