Monday, August 3, 2009

Bob Stoops: The Sooner's Own Worst Enemy?

The feeling is all to familiar to Sooner fans. Another off-season spent wondering how and why such a promising season could end in such disappointing fashion. A third BCS title game loss in the span of 6 years. A fifth straight BCS bowl game loss. It boggles the mind. So fingers started pointing. And unfortunately for head coach, Bob Stoops, the majority of them pointed at him.

And although it kills me, I can’t help but agree. Bob Stoops is single-handedly bringing down one of college football’s most storied traditions.

Sure, Bob Stoops holds one of the best W-L records of this decade (102-19; 84%), only trailing Pete Carrol of USC (88-15; 86%). But don’t let the records fool you. Stoops’ Sooners play in the Big 12. You know, that conference that plays host to Oklahoma, Texas, and 10 other high school teams. Conference? More like a cake walk. You want tough? Just take a look at the road Carrol and his Trojans have to go through every year: Stanford, Arizona State, UCLA, Washington State, and Washington. To top it off, they don’t even have to play a conference championship game. Wow! I wouldn’t wish that sort of gauntlet onto my worst enemy!

Then there’s Stoops’ minor feat of winning 6 of the 9 Big 12 Conference title games this decade. Forget that only USC has had as much conference success as Oklahoma this decade. The Sooners still play in the Big 12, remember? There’s a better chance of a school creating their own crystal football to claim a false national championship than there is of seeing a Big 12 team play defense. Oh, wait.... damn you, Texas!

Last but not least, who could forget Stoops’ 1-3 record in BCS title games? Not to mention, the 5 straight BCS bowl game losses he’s suffered. He holds an overall BCS bowl W-L of 2-5. “Big Game Bob”, huh? It kind of reminds me of former Nebraska head coach, Tom Osborne. In a stretch from 1983-1993, Osborne saw his Huskers go 2-9 in bowl games, including 0-4 in games with national title implications. Let’s ignore the fact that he went 49-2 the next 4 years on his way to bringing home 3 national titles. That guy was definitely a loser. 

So give me a break. The guy runs into a rough patch in the BCS and all of a sudden his other accomplishments are thrown out the window?

You know how many teams dream of winning a conference title? Stoops gave us 6.

Of receiving a BCS bowl bid? Stoops gave us 7.

Of getting a shot at a national championship? Stoops gave us 4.

So we as fans need to stop acting so spoiled and look at the big picture. We can’t expect a national championship every year. It just doesn’t work like that. Appreciate what you got. Every great coach has gone through a similar stretch. It’s not the wins and losses that define their legacy. It’s how they respond to those obstacles thrown in their way.

As for Stoops' take on all of this?

“I’m just glad I’ll be able to try again next year,” Stoops said. “If that’s the biggest burden I’ll have to bear in my life, I’ll be a pretty lucky guy.”

You see? He did in just 2 sentences, what I've been trying to do in this whole article. That says it all.


  1. Bring on the Season!!! Stoops has been to 4 National Titles this decade!!! Any coach would want to be in that position!!


  2. Being from New York, I have always respected Coach Stoops. He is what an American should be - fair, hardworking, and loyal to his coaches and players. Mr Stoops gives everything he has. What irks us is that many OK fans act like spoiled children, who pout when they don't get EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT ON CHRISTMAS DAY. That attitude of entitlement frankly stinks.

    Me and my buddies think Coach Stoops is a class act thru & thru. Some (not all, mind you) Oklahoma fans could do worse than to learn from his example..

  3. Bob Stoops is one of the top five greatest coaches ever ( THIS IS GARBAGE )

  4. it would be wise to read the entire article before commenting. Maybe then you wouldn't look like such a fool ;)

  5. There are some other good coaches out there, but I would not trade Bob for any and yeah that includes Meyer and Carroll.

  6. I don't necessarily agree with you, but I do see things in a bit different light now. I DO think that some of the burden for our (recent) failures needs to fall on Stoops; certainly more than he is taking on himself publicaly... but he has given OU fans (like myself) who were enrolled during "The Dark Ages," a lot of good times as well. I'll stand down a bit. Good argument, sir.


  7. bob had done a great job with my sooners as far as im concerned he can be there coach as long as he wants and i hope thats a long time to come

  8. I didn't think I'd have to say this, because I thought I got my sarcasm through to be obvious. (Washington being a "tough" opponent for USC. Hello?) But a few comments on the article, tells me other wise. Oh well... i know at least the majority of you got it

  9. If Stoops leads us (OU) to the promised land this year, we will be considered the team of the decade... I agree with the post. I personally would not trade Stoops for Lombardi!

  10. You know who I'd trade Bob Stoops for? Somebody who wins shit occasionally. Somebody who actually feels bad when he lets down AN ENTIRE STATE. I want a guy who's going to lose sleep, get some gray hairs, and actually WORRY about his shit. Somebody who doesn't make lame-ass excuses after getting beaten on a national stage AGAIN. Your argument that we should be happy with what we have is bullshit. That's called complacency. Complacency is the enemy of greatness. This team/program could have been the best there ever was. Now we're "Chokelahoma" Thanks a lot, Big Game Bob. I'm SO happy you're still cashing those giant checks I help write.

  11. Who cares? Texas will still eat you losers alive. AGAIN


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